Friday, January 3, 2020

Easy meals for Friday!!

Hey guys

Lunch was nothing to special... Just leftovers of the Carolina gold chicken.. In this house any food left over from a supper becomes lunch for however many days that it lasts.. This is one way that we have saved lots of money with me not working at the time..

Not all meal have to be works of art or the most creative dish that  we have ever had.. Some meals are for comfort and some are those that we have had growing up and just something that we like.. Well tonight is one of those nights.. With this rainy windy day I can't really use the grill so the hamburger steak plan has changed. That is okay since there are many things that we can do with hamburger meat.  For this family one dish that we like to have is what my hubby calls a crumbled up hamburger sandwich, I believe in the mid-west it is called a loose meat sandwich.

For this meal the ingredients are so simple.. All you need is hamburger meat, some buns and any toppings that you like on your sandwich.

So to create this meal all  I did was

Brown some hamburger meat in a skillet.  Many people like to also include onions in with the hamburger meat, my family doesn't eat onions so I just leave them out..

Once browned I pour into a colander and rise with warm water.

After all the oil has drained I pour into a dish to serve out of..

Sometimes I toast the buns..

The way my family eats them I take a bun and put some ketchup and mustard on the bun the spoon the meat onto the bun I add black pepper since this is how many family likes it.. This is the way we eat them however this meal is so flexible that it is perfect for all families.

I also decided to have scalloped potatoes with this meal ..

It is so hard to plate this meal and make it look perfect.. That is the thing with crumbled hamburger meat..  This is our supper tonight..

Life is to short to eat bad meals.   Until tomorrow everyone..

Rainy Day Breakfast

Good Rainy Morning,

This rainy morning started out with Hubby having an appointment, so we drove to town (yes we live out in the country, so far out that we can't even get pizza delivered to us.) I dropped hubby off at the appointment and went and got gas for the car since I was on empty.

We had breakfast out, we went through a drive thru and got some food and coffee.. If you are from Georgia then you know that a local favorite place to get breakfast is Martins..

We had some biscuits and gravy. The presentation not the best but it tasted so good. We also  got coffee from our favorite place in town...

Wholly Grounds coffee is about the perfect cup of coffee.. I got an Iced white mocha and it was so good.. The Best white mocha ever.. The coffee is not bitter and is just the right amount of sweetness.

This was a great meal, not the perfect meal but a good breakfast..

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Welcome Food Lovers

Welcome to all food lovers. Join us on our adventure into the world of food.

Have you ever eaten a meal so perfect that you wanted to have it again and again.. Has a meal ever made the worst day of your life feel better or helped heal a broken heart. Food has a way of making everything better.. We always remember those best meal and even the worst meals.  Have you ever stood in you kitchen and thought what am I going to make tonight, then maybe this blog can help you.

Our journey will contain food from recipes that I have tried and created.  We will take a journey to place that we eat.. Talking about the good, the bad and the never again at restaurants that we go to..

Some of the best meals that I have had came to me by mistake. This is going to be a fun trip..

I will post all recipes that I make and photos of how they turned out.  As well as posting the restaurant info and photos of the meal that i eat.

The reason for this journey now is that in November 2 days before Thanksgiving the company that I had worked for, for the last year decided to let me go without any warning.. I know i just turned what sounded like a fun time into a buzz kill. This bad situation is what has inspired me to begin this blog.. My thoughts and cooking and baking. . Baking is what i love to do it is a form of therapy,

So now as this new year approaches and what seems to be a new chapter in my life I have decided to begin this journey to see what i can create.. For the last year while working i did not have much time to cook now i have all the time in the world to create and cook. Also with only one of us working we will have to have more meals at home.

Cooking is a great way to be creative and can also be therapy.

I promise that this will be fun, and even the failed meals will be fun to explore..

Lets go on an adventure.. 

Meals Don't always go as planned..

This 2nd day of this new decade has been a cold rainy day..  A day that we have stayed inside.. With the hubby working from home this family is able to stay and dry..

We started the day with an iced mocha made at home using my Ninja Coffee Bar. I absolutely love this coffee maker.. To me it has made the best coffee and I am able to make so many drink with it.. I used a ground Espresso Verdi that I had in the cabinet, from the place that will not be named. ( the place I use to work).. MY version of this drink i use Chocolate powered from Ghirardelli, milk and chocolate sauce..   I make 4 oz of coffee and add 1 1/2 tablespoons of chocolate powered to the hot coffee, and stir till well blended, then I add milk to my hubby's liking..  In another glass i add in ice and drizzle over the chocolate sauce.. I then pour the coffee mix over the ice and stir. This is my hubby's favorite coffee drink.  I also made him a bagel with cream cheese nothing fancy there just store bought stuff to start his day.. 

Lunch was just left overs of last nights chicken tacos.  Made quickly as he does not get a lot of time to eat at lunch..

I made a wonderful treat for us today.. I made a homemade Chocolate chip frappes..

This was so simple and delish..  I used 2 scoops of Big Train Vanilla Bean  Frappe Powder.  1 tablespoon of DaVinci Gourmet  Vanilla Syrup, 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips 3/4 cup of milk and ice.. I blended until well blended served in glass and topped with whip cream.

 We all know that things don't always go as planned..  Tonight I was sent to make Hamburger steaks however between the weather outside and the meat not thawing in time has made that impossible.  So tonight's meal is not one of the perfect meal, but one of need.. we all have those times when we have to improvise even us frozen meals to feed our families. 

The hubby is having doctored up frozen burritos, as for me I may make a grill cheese out of some Bar B que bread I have or i can use the air fryer and make the mini corn dogs that are in the freezer..  No photos of tonight's make shift meals.. 

This shows that everyone is human and have days that they can't always create a masterpiece of work when cooking..

So we still search for the perfect meal.. Today no such meal was had..

What are your make shift meals when plans don't go as planned? Comment below what do you throw together in times like this. .

Until tomorrow.. Everyone stay safe, dry and warm..

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The first meal of the new Year

The start of a New Year brings new beginnings, but for me it has been a day of trying to recover.. I have been sick for a week now..

We well my hubby has had mostly left overs since Christmas since i have been sick..Last night the wonderful man that he is went out and got us a pizza since i was feeling so bad..

Pizza this was a awesome pizza..  Pizza comes in many kinds..  Last night was Little Caesars,  I know many will think how can some of the cheapest pizza be that great.

We ordered a deep dish pepperoni pizza without sauce.. This was an amazing pizza and thankful for the pizza since I was not feeling great.

Today,  new years day I am feeling better so i decided to make supper tonight.. Sorry that I do not have any photos from tonight's meal, since i just decided after supper tonight to begin this blog.

I made chicken soft taco these tacos are not like any other tacos anyone has ever had..

There is no taco seasoning in these tacos, the only part of the taco that makes it a taco is the taco sauce.

I first boiled 2 boneless skinless chicken breast in some chicken broth with onions and carrots and a celery stalk. Boil the chicken until the chicken breast are done.  Remove the chicken from the boiling water to let cool.  Once the chicken is cool shred the chicken breast.

Once the chicken is shredded,  I take some Caroline gold barbecue sauce  and mix it with the chicken in a skillet and heat it on med until the chicken and sauce are warmed.
set the chicken a side.

I use flour tortillas for the taco shells.. Open the shell and add some cheese ( we like Cheddar), taco sauce ( we use Ortega mild), then i add then the chicken. That is all my hubby likes on his. .you can really add what ever you like in your tacos. This is a time to get creative.. Also with tonight's supper we had some yellow rice and scalloped potatoes. The rice was from a pack and the potatoes a box. but the meal was a success.  This is an easy and fun meal to make for the family.  .IF you try this comment and let us know what you like on your tacos.

 Stay tune tomorrow for the next meal adventure and there will be photos.

carolina bbq sauce over crockpot shredded chicken in a white bowl