Friday, January 3, 2020

Easy meals for Friday!!

Hey guys

Lunch was nothing to special... Just leftovers of the Carolina gold chicken.. In this house any food left over from a supper becomes lunch for however many days that it lasts.. This is one way that we have saved lots of money with me not working at the time..

Not all meal have to be works of art or the most creative dish that  we have ever had.. Some meals are for comfort and some are those that we have had growing up and just something that we like.. Well tonight is one of those nights.. With this rainy windy day I can't really use the grill so the hamburger steak plan has changed. That is okay since there are many things that we can do with hamburger meat.  For this family one dish that we like to have is what my hubby calls a crumbled up hamburger sandwich, I believe in the mid-west it is called a loose meat sandwich.

For this meal the ingredients are so simple.. All you need is hamburger meat, some buns and any toppings that you like on your sandwich.

So to create this meal all  I did was

Brown some hamburger meat in a skillet.  Many people like to also include onions in with the hamburger meat, my family doesn't eat onions so I just leave them out..

Once browned I pour into a colander and rise with warm water.

After all the oil has drained I pour into a dish to serve out of..

Sometimes I toast the buns..

The way my family eats them I take a bun and put some ketchup and mustard on the bun the spoon the meat onto the bun I add black pepper since this is how many family likes it.. This is the way we eat them however this meal is so flexible that it is perfect for all families.

I also decided to have scalloped potatoes with this meal ..

It is so hard to plate this meal and make it look perfect.. That is the thing with crumbled hamburger meat..  This is our supper tonight..

Life is to short to eat bad meals.   Until tomorrow everyone..

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