Thursday, January 2, 2020

Meals Don't always go as planned..

This 2nd day of this new decade has been a cold rainy day..  A day that we have stayed inside.. With the hubby working from home this family is able to stay and dry..

We started the day with an iced mocha made at home using my Ninja Coffee Bar. I absolutely love this coffee maker.. To me it has made the best coffee and I am able to make so many drink with it.. I used a ground Espresso Verdi that I had in the cabinet, from the place that will not be named. ( the place I use to work).. MY version of this drink i use Chocolate powered from Ghirardelli, milk and chocolate sauce..   I make 4 oz of coffee and add 1 1/2 tablespoons of chocolate powered to the hot coffee, and stir till well blended, then I add milk to my hubby's liking..  In another glass i add in ice and drizzle over the chocolate sauce.. I then pour the coffee mix over the ice and stir. This is my hubby's favorite coffee drink.  I also made him a bagel with cream cheese nothing fancy there just store bought stuff to start his day.. 

Lunch was just left overs of last nights chicken tacos.  Made quickly as he does not get a lot of time to eat at lunch..

I made a wonderful treat for us today.. I made a homemade Chocolate chip frappes..

This was so simple and delish..  I used 2 scoops of Big Train Vanilla Bean  Frappe Powder.  1 tablespoon of DaVinci Gourmet  Vanilla Syrup, 1/2 cup of mini chocolate chips 3/4 cup of milk and ice.. I blended until well blended served in glass and topped with whip cream.

 We all know that things don't always go as planned..  Tonight I was sent to make Hamburger steaks however between the weather outside and the meat not thawing in time has made that impossible.  So tonight's meal is not one of the perfect meal, but one of need.. we all have those times when we have to improvise even us frozen meals to feed our families. 

The hubby is having doctored up frozen burritos, as for me I may make a grill cheese out of some Bar B que bread I have or i can use the air fryer and make the mini corn dogs that are in the freezer..  No photos of tonight's make shift meals.. 

This shows that everyone is human and have days that they can't always create a masterpiece of work when cooking..

So we still search for the perfect meal.. Today no such meal was had..

What are your make shift meals when plans don't go as planned? Comment below what do you throw together in times like this. .

Until tomorrow.. Everyone stay safe, dry and warm..

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