Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The first meal of the new Year

The start of a New Year brings new beginnings, but for me it has been a day of trying to recover.. I have been sick for a week now..

We well my hubby has had mostly left overs since Christmas since i have been sick..Last night the wonderful man that he is went out and got us a pizza since i was feeling so bad..

Pizza this was a awesome pizza..  Pizza comes in many kinds..  Last night was Little Caesars,  I know many will think how can some of the cheapest pizza be that great.

We ordered a deep dish pepperoni pizza without sauce.. This was an amazing pizza and thankful for the pizza since I was not feeling great.

Today,  new years day I am feeling better so i decided to make supper tonight.. Sorry that I do not have any photos from tonight's meal, since i just decided after supper tonight to begin this blog.

I made chicken soft taco these tacos are not like any other tacos anyone has ever had..

There is no taco seasoning in these tacos, the only part of the taco that makes it a taco is the taco sauce.

I first boiled 2 boneless skinless chicken breast in some chicken broth with onions and carrots and a celery stalk. Boil the chicken until the chicken breast are done.  Remove the chicken from the boiling water to let cool.  Once the chicken is cool shred the chicken breast.

Once the chicken is shredded,  I take some Caroline gold barbecue sauce  and mix it with the chicken in a skillet and heat it on med until the chicken and sauce are warmed.
set the chicken a side.

I use flour tortillas for the taco shells.. Open the shell and add some cheese ( we like Cheddar), taco sauce ( we use Ortega mild), then i add then the chicken. That is all my hubby likes on his. .you can really add what ever you like in your tacos. This is a time to get creative.. Also with tonight's supper we had some yellow rice and scalloped potatoes. The rice was from a pack and the potatoes a box. but the meal was a success.  This is an easy and fun meal to make for the family.  .IF you try this comment and let us know what you like on your tacos.

 Stay tune tomorrow for the next meal adventure and there will be photos.

carolina bbq sauce over crockpot shredded chicken in a white bowl

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